Saturday, December 03, 2005

25 Days to the exam

So i finally got down to blogging....i guess this could prove to be my outlet for the incredibly stressful time i have ahead of me....USMLE step 1 is just 25 days away...and seeing it written like this does give me a queasy feeling.i guess uncertainty about exams...any exam for that matter is only but natural.I had started a daily journal at one of the forums for USMLE prep...but just gave up on it during one of my pessimistic/low/blue phases....and so this blog!....drpak's blog had a part to play in my debut as a blogger too.I just feel as if i have so much to do but so little time.I guess it is the innate property of this exam in particular to make one feel this way.I started studying about 7 months ago and i must admit it has been tough....aside from the extensive review and the hours of studying that one has to gradually build up on...for it sure didn't come that easy to me!...i also had to get used to studying alone.Yes!...throughout my five years at med school me and my best friend were inseperable.We had the perfect wavelength match and did extremely well.I moved to the US after graduating and so have had to tough it out since then.That said,the latest on the prep is that i am about four days behind schedule...arrrrghhh!!!i am trying desperately to get through this darned subject called microbiology and have just managed to waste the better part of the day(which for me is the DAY)....i go to the library everyday and on average i spend about 8 hours there every day...but today was just awful...i just couldn't concentrate and have this uneasiness welling inside of me.I just HAVE to get a hold of things....time and again i make time tables for myself...but somehow they just never work out...and that adds to the misery.Sometimes i think i set targets which aren't exactly practical!!!!Considering the fact that i have no other choice but to take the exam as scheduled i really should be working harder is to a productive day tomorrow and i hope to redeem at least some of the damage done today!


Blogger Aya said...

Hey drpak!!Good to have you around!
I am from Pakistan....Lahore to be exact.Thanks for the tips...i am not computer/net savvy at all!!

2:56 PM  

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