Monday, January 30, 2006

I just love the build up to rain....infact I enjoy it more than rain itself!!The graying sky,the rustling wind,the swaying trees and the sound of thunder every now and then....surreal!!!!!I am glad that this break from studying today has more to offer than the usual "fix something for lunch and drag self back to books".
I think I'll step out for a bit and make the most of this temperate weather....sure won't get to see much of the like in Ohio!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aya you might be has been raining, it's a little windy but good weather. I think it's the calm before the storm really comes!!!!

8:21 PM  
Blogger Aya said...

D...i hope it doesn't snow when I get back...gets me all depressed!!!

rai:yes...still around and the weather was awesome!...heading back home sat and knowing my luck it will snow the day I get there!!!

6:25 AM  

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