Sunday, December 04, 2005

Its three in the afternoon and the studying seems to be going ok...or so i'd like to think!!Woke up with a start around 5:00 a.m...thought it was too cold to start studying(i surprise myself sometimes!) and went back to up at 6:30 finally,prayed fajar and set off to work around 7:00....till now i have taken two rather overextended hour long one and another 15 min one...USMLE forum browsing and posting a few answers to questions here and there took about half an hour in between...i really don't want to consider that as a 'break"...cos technically i was studying...;)....i should limit the forum hopping to the end of the day when i am more or less a zombie...oh well!!
I am probably going to get microbiology out of the way today....did i mention i hate the viruses!!!!!!!!!!!Ideally,I would have wanted to go through some questions but i really wouldn't have time for that.Tomorrow, i need to finish off immunology.....i find it pretty interesting but i'd definitely rank it somewhere close to the top in my list for volatile subjects!!! think of it.....right now,every subject seems volatile.I love pathology and would like to think of it as one of my stronger subjects but *sigh*....
On a different IS very cold!!!it snowed yesterday night...and it looks beautiful...i so want to go out for a walk aroundthe neighbourhood..i might do that in the evening some would be nice....people have already decorated their houses with all sorts of lights and ornaments,for christmas and i guess it would be good to see that the world around me is not as still as i sometimes feel it is.
The other day i chalked out a rough plan for myself....i want to start implementing it from tomorrow...

5:00 -8:00 a.m....Goljan high yields for an a hold of tommy k's high yields...go through those too..and if time permits...skim through first aid(i have just gone through it once....and that too not very thoroughly which really is freaking me out!)

8:00-9:30 a.m...shower,breakfast...get stuff together...and leave for the library
10:00a.m...start studying at the library
i normally take breaks at the library to pray...which takes about 5-10 min and then around 3:00pm to have lunch...that should take about 15-20 min
6:00p.m...leave for home
6:00-8:00p.m....time off
8:15-9:30p.m...i'd like to fit in something here...lets see how it goes tomorrow
10:00p.m...should be in bed!!!!!!
I really want this plan to work...for my peace of my mind if nothing else...cos i am sick of thinking "i should have /could have done more",at the end of every day!!Till tomorrow!


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