Sunday, February 26, 2006

Note to self: Never have any caffeine close to bed time!

I had to put in two more hours  of studying to end a productive day…only my mind was just numb. So, I drank some diet coke…which did pep me up and I got through those two hours…and now I can’t go to sleep!*sigh* Thought I’d ramble here for a while….hopefully this will do the trick.
S and I haven’t been on the best of terms lately.  I am sure he can come up with a million reasons for why I am the bane of his existence …but I think its mainly because I cut his junk food consumption a.k.a Mc D’s etc to no more than twice a week and minimized his coke/pepsi intake too(btw…one can of that stuff has an equivalent of 8-9 teaspoons of sugar!).
Today, was somewhat of a surprise as he wasn’t all cheeky….he let me study without the usual…. “ahh!there you go…why are you checking your mail?you call that studying?”
In the evening, he came and asked me if I could come down with him into the basement for a while while he got onto the tread mill! I stopped myself from making some wise crack …hehehehe…and went downstairs. He started walking and we had a nice little discussion about what the thumb pulse meant and how it changed with exercise. “This isn’t that bad….he probably is quite fond of me”,I thought. I was mistaken. I realized he had been walking for about 20 minutes and I needed to pray and  get back to studying…..told S to get off. He would’t listen. Frustrated, I said, “S!I think this is enough. Aya does 30, so you’re fine”. “Oh you’re just a frilly little girl!! I can double what you do anyday!”,came the reply.
Enough niceness,I say. The next time I’ll sneak back upstairs and leave him all alone in the dreary, dark basement…then we’ll see who  the “frilly little girl is”!
Off now…and this didn’t work…still not sleepy.


Blogger Aya said...

rai:hmmm....I had red bull during the latter part of the exam I took in dec and I couldn't go to sleep the whole night!!!...the reading works...thats what got me to sleep...

4:38 PM  

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