Friday, October 06, 2006

B o r e d

Ah yes....I’ve been away again! Well…not really…I’ve been here but just didn’t feel like blogging….attribute that to laziness, lack of muse (not that any of my posts fall into the category of creative writing… hehe ) whatever. Anyways, I sent in my residency applications a few days ago and to my surprise I got an interview call yesterday. I am happy of course because I didn’t expect any so soon after applying. Hopefully, things will pan out well and I’ll land some more interviews soon. Getting my applications together kept me busy till a few days back but with those out of the way now, I must admit I am bored. I should probably come up with a countering boredom “to do” list. Just off the top of my head:

Make that long overdue trip to the library and get some books to read.
Take pictures of the trees en-route to and around my aunt’s neighborhood….they’re absolutely gorgeous come fall. (I’ll put them up here if they turn out nice)
Err…charge the camera to take those pictures. :D
Volunteer to help set up the new library at the school where my mother works.
Oh and a friend asked me to try writing a sonnet…so, add “try writing a sonnet”.

Not bad eh? Additions to this so called list are welcome of course.

p.s: I don’t watch much TV…so that doesn’t count.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

go to the library,walk down a random aisle,dont look at what section u r in,walk 10 steps,turn left,pick up the book right in front of u,read it

10:23 AM  
Blogger Aya said...

rai: very funny...:P
you're walking a thin line here as it is...I was about to disown you for dissing House M.D and actually preferring that other weird show over it...*shakes head*

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and i forgot..when u get home turn on ur tv and watch flava flavs show.its the best haha

11:10 AM  
Blogger Faith said...

My personal favourite is still scrubs. :D JD is so adorable!

2:05 PM  
Blogger Aya said...

rai: glad you had a good laugh..:P you just don't like medicine...period..flava flav or whatever...hmmph!

sohnii: I stumbled across scrubs a while ago and I really enjoyed it too! :)

uzer: You're right about scrubs on both counts...but you see, I've been following House longer than Scrubs...and well, it may take a while for me to switch loyalties...hehe..(I think I should actually be paid for sticking up for House!).Oh, and thankyou for dropping by! :)

9:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

To the sonnet...? yeah rite! :)

And scrubs rule...Like USK, me like scrubs, but unlike sohnii, it has moot to do with JD's cuteness...hehe...

8:35 AM  
Blogger Aya said...

To the sonnet...errr....ummm...I will...I will! *sheepish grin*
Oh alright all of you...Scrubs rule..this wasn't even a House Vs Scrubs was house Vs Rai's dumb fav show flava flav thing.

3:34 PM  

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