Friday, October 20, 2006

Tagged by sohnii

Height: 5'6
Color: ummm...I just asked my sister what "color" I was...she told me to say "I am African American"..hehe...I'd say I have a wheatish complexion.
Piercing: Two in each ear.
Tattoos: none.

Right NowTime: 7:32 a.m
Mood: Pleasant...I am a morning person and am mostly happy in the mornings. :)
Taste: Had sehri over an hour ago...even the taste of mouthwash has worn off by
Weather: Cold,grey and cloudy (and I like that).
Bad habit: Incessant worrying...there are at least 10 things that I am worrying about right now...and my day has just begun... *sigh*
Current crush: Won't tell..:P..hehe...I am probably too old for all this now..hehe
Biggest regret: Never thought about this....hmmm...none as of now....I think!
Perfume(s): Just put on the hoodie I was wearing, right now I smell of Lacoste's Touch of Sun.
Thing I want to do: Get done with answering all these questions!

TV show: Law and order,ER,House (and I've recently developed a liking for scrubs..and yes sohnii...JD is cute..:)..)
Book: There are so many that I like...but I could read The Magic Faraway Tree series(Enid Blyton) over and over. (oh and add to that...The Little Prince...I love this book too)
Non alcoholic drink: Not too much of a fizzy drink fan...but if I were to pick one...Diet Coke.
Milk drink: Hot Chocolate!
Brand: none
Color: Teal
Emblem: none
Perfume: Pleasures
Designer: No one in particular.
Chocolate: I love chocolate...all favourite...something I can never pass up on would be the peanut M n Ms!

Have I Ever
Broken the law: No
Misused credit card: No
Skipped school: Sure I have...but not because I wanted to...I loved going to school.
Fell asleep in the shower/bath: No....I really don't know how people can fall asleep in the shower...
Had children: No
Been in love: No
Been hurt: Yep...plenty of times...if we're talking of being hurt emotionally.I get beat pretty regularly by my little brother I can claim to have been physically hurt too..:)

RandomHave a job: No...not right now..hopefully that'll change soon!
My CD player has what in it right now: Haven't used a CD player in ages...I don't even know were mine is!
If I were a crayon, the color: Black
What makes me happy: The Rain!

When/What Was the Last
I got a real letter: Last year in December...pre step 1/a cousin wrote to me to cheer me up with an A-Z list of reasons why I needed to do well on the exam....many of which were really funny!
Got an email: 5 minutes ago/some random email about free calls to Pakistan
Thing I purchased: day before yesterday/gas for my car
TV program I watched: Last night/Law and Order-Criminal Intent
Movie I saw in the theaters: August 2006/Step up
Hugged: an hour ago/my sister
Place I was: an hour ago/My sister's room
Song heard: Yesterday morning/bulla kee jaana main kaun (Rabbi Shergill)
Phone call: Last night/Arsh
Was depressed: A little...last night after having talked to a friend who is not too happy with life right now.

What Comes to Mind When I Hear
Car: My adirectionia(no sense of direction)
Murder: The words "in cold blood"
Cape: Cape Cod
Cell: Phone
Fun: The candy/chocolate aisle! :D
Shoe: Need to get a pair
Crush: ok..this is nerdy..hehe.. but right now when I hear the word crush..the book "crush the boards" comes to mind...weird because I didn't even use it to prep for the boards!
Music: My father (he plays a whole bunch of instruments!)
Love: My mother
Chalk: 5th Grade(did you know there is such a thing as the black board monitor?)

Alright...who do I tag?O-C,Beau,Writer's creek...amongst the girlies.As for the guys...I am not sure if they have the patience to answer all this..hehe..but for the heck of it...I tag Rai and Usman and well DP isn't blogging so we'll spare him the honor..


Blogger Faith said...

Adirectionia? There is a word for it? lol, yay!! turns out I have it too :D

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats a black blorad monitor :S

12:51 PM  
Blogger Aya said...

sohnii: I don't think theres such a word...I just made it up!Good to know there are other people like me..:)

Rai: hehe...the kid who takes care of the blackboard and makes sure the chalk hasn't run out and the duster is supposed to be where its supposed to be *sigh*... (altho I think white boards have pretty much replaced balck boards now)

11:08 AM  
Blogger Faith said...

Lol, my cousin was a black board monitor too for sometime. Among her other duties was also to make sure that the black board was there every morning. Lol, a way to torture a 9 yr old u ask, or do the black boards really take flight during the night?

3:41 PM  
Blogger Faith said...

You been tagged.... again! lol, being evil is fun!!!

3:43 PM  
Blogger Aya said...

sohnii: you evil child! I might take a while to get done with this tag though...this ones hard!

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AYA you tagged me! Wow...almost 10 days ago. Lemme fill that up and post it up :P

1:06 AM  

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