Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Atlanta,so far....

Interesting things have been happening...

Found out I was supposed to be in charge not just of A and a(my cousins...:)..),but also have to take care of my uncle's postal store!!So,uncle and A got down to teaching me the ropes as A had to be back at university.I have learnt a lot in these past four days and it seems almost unnatural to be doing something not even remotely related to medicine.There is a problem however...I am horrible with figures/numbers/cash!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!I balanced the cash register fine the first day and then these past three days I have either been short or over!!!!(D..I've always had immense regard and respect for the work you do at the bank...but now i can really empathise with you feeling low over "being short or over").This coupled with the fact that there is this high tech(at least for computer illiterate me) software that you have to use to print labels and stuff...hmm...makes me wonder...But,its all good!I think i've got the hang of it.I opened and closed on my own today and it went fine...alhamdulillah!(I pray two nafal in the morning before i leave and pray that i DONOT mess things up!).So,today went fine...except...i made a complete fool out of myself in front of the UPS guy and had to call A to get things sorted out....ughh!!..He took the packages,came back inside and was like,"Is there anything else i can help you with?".I just said,"No,Thankyou Sir!.I think I've done enough damage for the day!".No worries though...Insha'Allah tomorrow is going to be embaressing incidents to report,hopefully!!

On Sunday we went to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the IMAX theater.
I read somewhere that they had spent an amount equivalent to that spent on LOTR trilogy!!!!!!!!!I would have sang praises of the Harry Potter movie,had i not known this....No comparison ,whatsoever!!We had a great time though.The best part was when we browsed through books at a nearby Barnes and Nobles...loved the absolute treat,I must say..what with the escalators and elevators and Starbucks!!!!

Heres hoping for a great day tomorrow!


Blogger Aya said...

I knew this was coming!!hehe
Just posted!

11:25 PM  

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