Laughter is the best medicine….it is also a great stress reliever,provided its the kind of laughter I am referring to…the kind that makes your eyes water and your stomach hurt! DrPak had recommended Russell Peters to me a few days ago. He told me how to go about downloading his acts. I tried, but failed. So, today he introduced me to “torrents” and helped me set it all up .I must admit I am still unsure about what they really are and how they work but I find the name "torrents" quite fascinating. I managed to download a 45 minute clip of one of Russell Peters’ shows . It had me in fits! I don’t think I have ever laughed this much and yes!…it made my eyes water and my stomach hurt! I have been a bit stressed out these past few days and I feel so much better. I am being a bit of a miser and am watching it piece-meal because I want to “save” it till I have more.
I am looking forward to downloading more of his stuff. This could very well prove to be an incentive to study consistently through the day. I am excited!
I am looking forward to downloading more of his stuff. This could very well prove to be an incentive to study consistently through the day. I am excited!
find urself some torrents of margaret cho and dave chapelle,russel peters steals his jokes frm them
i dont know how you guys have time to entertain yourselves, on one side you are worried about your future and on the other side, you have enough time to waste?? same with dr pak, seriously. a student's job is to study and thats it and I am pretty sure your country needs that.
Anonymous(not you Rai-the OTHER one):
I guess you don't know what ten hours of studying per day feels its alright...and thanks for the pearls of wisdom.
annonymous...(not rai but the unwelcomed guest)...
It's ok to hate life but not THAT much!!!!!
lol ok how did u know the first anonymous ws me
Rai:Simple!You use abbreviations...I recognised it was you from the "frm"...:)
@dd, I actually was praising the life where one doesnt have anything to do other than study, thats the only obsession I have in this life and I dont know how you mistakenly assumed that I hate life, ah come on buddy, life has everything to offer but inflicting feelings of hatred. and aya, I have experience of studying more than 10 hours, If one simply loves what one is doing, i guess, he/she shouldnt be complaining about it. anyways, good luck n see ya.
and unwelcomed?? what exactly do ya mean by that. You seem to contradict yourself, blog is a place where people you will never in hell meet in your life come and read your stuff and comment on it. How can you label ppl as unwelcomed buddy.
I love medicine.What I am and where I stand today is solely because of that.I would go to great lengths to earn the right to practise it.I am not complaining about the ten hours of studying I do(kudos to you for managing more than that!)....on the contrary ,I complain when I CANNOT do it well enough.That said...there is nothing wrong/criminal about wanting to entertain yourself after having put in a hard day's is definitely not a "waste" of time and I stand by that.My retort earlier was just in response to how you made it seem criminal!I frimly believe that one needs a little "time off" from the doldrums of studying because there definitely is such a thing as "burn-out" and eventual amotivation.
I agree with you on the "unwelcome guest" thing.A blog is like an open house where people will come and go as they please.You don't necessarily have to like/agree with what they do or say.So,as far as I am concerned you are not "unwelome".
lol funny
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